Mablethorpe Golf Club, Lincolnshire. (1911 - WW2)
In 1911 it was known as The St Peter’s (Mablethorpe) Golf Club Ltd. The secretary was H Y Maulkinson a surveyor, sanitary inspector and collector to the Urban District Council, Bourneleigh.
Report on the new course in September 1911.

Grantham Journal Saturday 23 September 1911. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Was the early club just a Pipe Dream? It appears that it was constantly plagued by financial problems, see report below. Willie Park Jun. was involved with the layout of the course and suffered due to the financial difficulties. Thanks to Mungo Park for the following information "Willie Park mentions Mablethorpe (which has been transcribed as ‘Maplethorpe’) in a legal statement that we have in the family collection, as follows: - “I entered into a contract with people in England for the laying of a golf course at Maplethorpe. I was to receive £6000 and plan and make the course. It would be very difficult for me to form any estimate of what it would cost to form the course, but I calculated that my profit would be about ten per cent, and I had therefore the prospect of making £600. When the first payment fell due they gave me £345 in cash and £385 in post dated cheques which were not met. These post dated cheques were handed to different creditors of mine and are in their hands.”

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer Thursday 11 June 1914. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Below an advert for the Mablethorpe club in June 1914.

Above from The Sphere Saturday 27 June 1914. Image © Illustrated London News Group. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
A further report in 1915, a rebirth of the course? Interesting to note the mention of Harold H Hilton regarding the laying out of the course.
Another attempt to revive the course in February 1925 - In response to a letter from Mr Franklin Taylor, secretary of the Mablethorpe Golf and Estates Company, requesting to know if the Council were prepared to lease a portion of the Sandhills for a period of twenty or thirty years, it was decided to invite representatives of the Company to meet members of the Council with a view to putting forward a scheme which would undoubtedly be an advantage to the area.
The club was listed in the Golfer's Handbook in the mid 1920s when the secretary was F Taylor, 1 Middle Pavement, Nottingham.
The medal competition over 36-holes was played on Saturday 27 July 1929. It was won by F W Woolsey, 112-30-82. Second was O Ibbotson, 120-36-84. The bogey for the 18-hole course was 45. W Wood had a fine second round of 46 but his first 62 put him out of the competition.
Throughout the 1930s and 1940s the secretary was J McCreery, 29 High Street, Mablethorpe. In the 1930s the green-keeper was W H Brown, followed by Harry Goldsmith (professional/green-keeper) until 1940. A 9-hole course with a SSS of 70. Course records were amateur Mr Jessop 73, professional F J Allott 70. The station at Mablethorpe was 1 mile away. Visitors’ fees were 2/6d a day, 7/6d a week, 10/- a fortnight and 15/- per month. Sunday play was allowed. Local hotel was the Fulbeck.
Yet another attempt to open the links. The following is an extract from a report that appeared in the Lincolnshire Echo Tuesday 16 December 1930. "MABLETHORPE GOLF LINKS PROJECT - The project to establish a golf course was advanced a stage further last evening when the Council recommended that the foreshore sub-committee, which had interviewed Mr W Cook on the matter, that the portion of sandhills at the north end desired by the promoters be leased to them."
In July 1931 it was "definitely decided" to proceed with a golf course.

Lincolnshire Echo Thursday 23 July 1931. Image © Trinity Mirror. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Advert from the Nottingham Evening Post October 1931. "MABLETHORPE GOLF CLUB LTD. - Visitors to Mablethorpe will be glad to learn that the proposed GOLF COURSE is in process of construction and that the first 9-holes will be ready for the 1932 season.
Foundation members are to be admitted without entrance fee at £1/11s/6d per annum. Applications for £1 shares are invited. Copies of the Prospectus and Memorandum of Association can be obtained from Messrs. Sharpley & Son, 4 George Street, Mablethorpe."
Presentation and Supper in November 1933.

Skegness Standard Wednesday 22 November 1933. Images © Johnston Press plc. Images created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
The annual meeting of the Mablethorpe Ladies' Golf Club was held in the clubhouse in May 1934. Mrs H Rowland was elected President for the coming year, with Miss E Booth, secretary, and Miss B Parrott, treasurer. Miss E Gray was appointed captain and Miss K Walker, vice-captain.
Hopes of course development were expressed at the annual dinner held at the Louth Hotel in November 1937, about 100 people were present. Councillor H Rowland, the president in the chair, report below.
The annual meeting in December 1937.

Skegness Standard Wednesday 22 December 1937. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Extract from a report from the Boston Guardian Wednesday 23 November 1938. "FROM TEE TO DINNER - GOLFERS DINE AT MABLETHORPE - RESORT'S DEBT TO CLUB. Some 70 guests attended the annual dinner at the Eagle Hotel on Friday. Councillor H Rowland, chairman of the directors of the Golf Club Co., presided. The principal toast, that of the club, was submitted by Councillor C Wright. The club was to be congratulated, he said, on the energy and business acumen of its chairman, Councillor Rowland, who devoted much time and interest to bring it to its present successful position and steered it through difficult times. To a number of other ladies and gentlemen, no doubt, the club was much indebted, and not least to the zeal and ability to its secretary, Mr McCreery, and he hoped that events would prove that its foundations had been well and truly laid. J Marlow, the captain, said the past season had witnessed a large increase in the number of visitors playing the course. Congratulations were passed to one of its members, Mr A R Dales, had tied this year with a member of the Grimsby club for the amateur championship of the county. Trophies for the season were presented to; Jackson Rose Bowl, Miss J H McCreery, runner-up Miss J Clarke; Miss Gray Cup, Miss D Gentle; Ladies' captain's prize, Mrs Clarricoates; Gardner Brown Rose Bowl, Mrs Clarke and H L Gray; Mablethorpe Golf Cup, Mrs Clarricoates and B R Drakes; Red Cross Trophy, Miss J H McCreery; Stapleton Cup, W H Harrison, runner-up J C Farrow; Gent's Captain's Prize, K Snowden, runner-up J C Farrow; Monthly competition, A R Dales, runner-up H Paul."
Match played at Boston in June 1939.
Boston Golf Club | Mablethorpe Golf Club | ||
R Reynolds and J Arch | 1 | J W Marlow and H J Farrow | 0 |
J Marjason and C Smith | 1 | T Clarke and K Snowden | 0 |
Dr. N Bloom and Dr. M Bloom | 1 | J M McCreary and G Preston | 0 |
N M Pearson and K Welbury | 0 | H Gray and Mr Dunbar | 1 |
J Gresswell and C Bycroft | 0 | A R Dales and H Paul | 1 |
F A Harden and A Skinner | 0 | A L Watts and C R Clarricoates | 1 |
3 | 3 |
The prize presentation took place at the annual dinner and dance held at the Eagle Hotel in November 1939; Jackson Rose Bowl; winner, Miss McCreery; runner-up, Mrs Clarricoats; Miss Gray Cup; Mrs Henry Farrow; Captain's Prize; Miss M Bryant; "Daily Telegraph Trophy" Miss J Clarke; runner-up, Miss J McCreery; Gardner-Brown Rose Bowl, Mr and Mrs C R Clarricoats; Mablethorpe Golf Club Cup, Miss Clarke and C R Clarricoats; Stapleton Cup, C R Clarricoats; runner-up, A McCreery; Red Cross Trophy, Henry Farrow; "Daily Telegraph" Tankards, H J Farrow and H L Gray; Monthly competition winner J Preston, runner-up, T Clarke.
Results of competitions held over Christmas 1939; foursome competition (Christmas Eve) - K Snowden and Mrs C R Clarricoats; mixed greensome (Christmas Day) - winners; R Wilson and Miss Joan Clarke; runners-up, H Rowland and Miss J H McCreery.
Following are the winners of the Stapleton Cup presented by A & J E Stapleton; F J Gentle – 1933; H J Farrow – 1934 and 1935; J W Marlow – 1936; H J Farrow – 1937; N H Harrison -1938; C R Clarricoates – 1939.
Below a report on the closure of the club in July 1940.

Skegness Standard Wednesday 31 July 1940. Images © Johnston Press plc. Images created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.

The postcard above, posted in July 1936, shows a pathway from Golf Road towards the sea. Postcard by Empire View Production.
Mablethorpe Golf Club disappeared due to WW2.