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Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. (1910 - 1920s)

I would like to thank David Low for allowing me to use the information and pictures from his excellent book “Golf in Cumberland and Westmorland”.

Golf was first played at Allonby in 1910 when a nine-hole course was laid out on the “Banks” near the church with seven holes on the seaward side of the of the Maryport to Silloth road and two to the landward side. The course was opened by James McKay of Maryport, secretary of the Cumberland and Westmorland Union of Golf Clubs. It was decided that this course was not suitable and after a couple of years this course was abandoned.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Picture of the first course in 1910.


The later club was instituted in May 1912. This course was laid out to the north of Allonby, near to Crossbeck Bridge, on the landward side of the Maryport to Silloth Road. The longest hole measured 352 yards and the main hazards were a hedge and the Cross Beck.

Meeting to form a golf club in May 1912.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Meeting to form a golf club in May 1912.

Wigton Advertiser Saturday 18 May 1912. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Report on the formation of the club in May 1912.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Report on the forming of the club in May 1912.

Wigton Advertiser Saturday 25 May 1912. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Report on the opening of the course in July 1912.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Report on the opening of the course in July 1912.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Report on the opening of the course in July 1912.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Report on the opening of the course in July 1912.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Report on the opening of the course in July 1912.

West Cumberland Times Saturday 6 July 1912. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Picture of the later course in 1912.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Picture of the clubhouse and members.


Grand Concert in aid of the Allonby Golf Club in August 1912.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. Grand Concert in aid of the Allonby Golf Club in August 1912.

West Cumberland Times Saturday 24 August 1912. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


The club revived in March 1923.


Allonby Golf Club, Cumbria. The club is revived in March 1923.

Wigton Advertiser Saturday 10 March 1923. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Nothing further found.

The Google Map below pinpoints the location of the first golf coures.