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Southdown & Brighton Ladies' Golf Club, Burgess Hill. (1891 - 1906)

The club was founded in 1891 and played over a nine- hole course at Holmes Park, Junction Road, Burgess Hill until about 1906.

It was reported in March 1891 that the Southdown Ladies' Golf Club will shortly take possession of its permanent ground at Burgess Hill, which was "admirably adapted to the game."


Southdown and Brighton Ladies Golf Club. Burgess Hill. Report on the new club and course in March 1891.

Bexhill-on-Sea Chronicle Saturday 14 March 1891. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


The following is from an unknown English journal in the early 1890s. It seems to indicate that golfing is a little trying on some ladies' tempers. "The ladies of Brighton and the district have formed the "Southdown Ladies' Golf Club" and have chosen Burgess Hill as the site of their golf links. Their colours are a pretty combination of red, white, and blue, and one of their rules reads - "Players making very bad strokes are allowed to stamp the foot violently, but not on the putting greens, and on no account are permitted to swear (audibly)." 

In April 1891 Baroness De Worms consented to become president of the Southdown Ladies' Golf Club, which by this time had 100 members.

The following is an extract from a report that appeared in the Sussex Agricultural Express Tuesday 24 May 1892.

"The members of the Southdown Ladies' Golf Club attended their first meeting on Saturday. The links of the club at Burgess Hill, the weather being very enjoyable, presented a charming appearance with its numerous company of fashionable folk, who had visited the links for the afternoon. Several gentlemen members of the Brighton & Hove Golf Club attended. The arrangements for the day were most successfully carried out by the committee of the club, assisted by Major Campbell and Colonel Street, Miss Martin ably fulfilling the arduous and  responsible position of hon. secretary. The principal competition of the day was a handicap for the members of the club. There were numerous entries for the competition, the prize being a handsome a handsome gold bracelet, the gift of the Misses Stedall. The handicapping proved most satisfactory, considering it was the first time the golfing abilities of the ladies had been so measured. Following are the leading scores; Miss M Fair, 93-28-65; Miss Cleek, 101-28-73; Miss Crunden, 105-28-75; Mrs J G Dill, 115-37-78; Miss Davidson, 117-37-80; Miss M Crunden, 93-10-83; Miss M Cleek, 102-19-83; Miss A Crunden, 109-19-90; Mrs Downer, 123-30-93; Miss E Cleaver, 134-40-94; Miss Dickinson, 132-37-95; Miss Warner, 136-40-96; Miss Martin, 137-40-97; Miss Cleaver, 138-40-98; Miss L Martin, 139-40-99; Mrs Shallis, 144-40-104; Miss Pardoe, 164-43-121. The next competition was for driving. Colonel Street gave a driver for the longest drive, Mrs Campbell giving a brassy cleek for the second best drive. The ladies were allowed three strokes in their attempts to get the ball away. The competition was won by Miss M Crunden with a drive of 118 yards, Miss Davidson being second with a drive of 103 yards. A "lofting competition" was afterwards entered upon, the prizes of which consisted of a Balfour driver, presented by Messrs. Lunn & Co., of London, and half a dozen golf balls, presented by the Rev S Campbell. Miss M Crunden again proved the winner, but having won a prize that lady waived her claim to the first prize which was taken by Miss L Stedall, Mrs Downer taking the second prize." 

In June 1892 it was reported that the Southdown Ladies' Golf Club would in future be known as "The Southdown and Brighton Ladies' Golf Club." Lady Louise Loder was president of the club.

The monthly medal was played over the Burgess Hill course on Monday 19 September 1892, result; Miss Martin (hon. secretary of the club), 102-30-72; Miss Davidson, 105-32-73; Miss M Crunden, 85-9-76; Miss A Crunden, 97-18-70; Mrs Barry, 111-30-81. Mrs Campbell pinned the medal, with the monogram of the club in relief, on the winner. The medal was presented to the club by Mr Crunden.

In March 1893 the club visited the Wimbledon Ladies' Golf Club.

Wimbledon Ladies' Golf Club   Southdown & Brighton Ladies' Golf Club  
Miss Kenyon-Stowe 1 Miss Andrews 0
Miss Trrywhitt Drake 0 Mrs H C Willcock 1
Miss Frere 0 Miss M Crunden 1
Mrs Meates 0 Miss E Scott 1
Mrs Dowson 1 Miss Martin 0
Miss Tee 1 Mrs Gordon Dill 0
Miss Schwann 1 Miss May Pardoe 0
  4   3

Miss Sherlock was captain of the club in 1893.

In September 1893 the club held competitions for the "Challenge Bracelet"  given by the club captain Miss Sherlock, the monthly silver medal of the club, and two extra prizes, a travelling clock, the gift of Major and Mrs Campbell, and a silver purse, the gift of Mr & Mrs Bridge. The result of the competition was that Mrs Willcock won the challenge bracelet and the travelling clock with a score of 82-7-75, and Miss F Stott won the monthly medal and the silver purse with the score of 81-4-77.

Below is the result of a match played at Burgess Hill against the Brighton & Hove Ladies' Golf Club on Saturday 28 April 1894. The scoring was on the "new method" for club matches introduced by the Ladies' Golf Union.

Southdown & Brighton Ladies' Golf Club   Brighton & Hove Ladies' Golf Club  
Miss Starkie Bence (one up plus 2)  3 Miss Sanderson 0
Miss Causton 0 Miss Heathcote (five up plus 2) 7
Mrs Dill 0 Mrs Barry (five up plus 2) 7
Miss Martin 0 Miss M Heathcote (four up plus 2) 6
Miss E Cleaver 0 Miss Walker (four up plus 2) 6
Mrs Richardson (two up plus two) 4 Mrs Shiffner 0
Miss Cleaver 0 Miss Farnall (thirteen up plus two) 15
  7   41

Competition results from August 1894.


Southdown and Brighton Ladies Golf Club. Burgess Hill. Competition results from August 1894.



Report on the club in September 1894.


Southdown and Brighton Ladies Golf Club. Report on the club in September 1894.

"Golf" Friday 14 September 1894. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Competition result from June 1895.


Southdown and Brighton Ladies Golf Club. Burgess Hill. Competition results from June 1895.



The 1897 map below shows the area of land around Holmes Park Road and Junction Road, unfortunately the golf course is not marked. 


Southdown & Brighton Ladies' Golf Club, Burgess Hill, Sussex. Map of the probable course location.

Holmes Park Road and Junction Road in the late 1890s. Reproduced from the {1897} Ordnance Survey Map.


The Google Map below shows the area once occupied by the former Holmes Park course.