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St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club, Filsham Valley. (1901 - 1961)

The club was founded in 1901.

Originally called St Leonards and Golf Club, it was sometimes listed as just East Sussex Golf Club. From the early 1930s to the end of its existence in about 1960 it was also known as St Leonards-on-Sea Golf Club.

An 18-hole course at Filsham Park to the west of Hastings it was originally designed by James Braid and his cousin Douglas Rolland.

Another club and course that was taken over during WW1 for the war effort which resulted in the loss of nine-holes.

The course was lengthened to 18-holes in 1922 when the holes lost on the western valley side were reinstated, F G Hawtree advised on the layout of the course.

Hastings Corporation took the course over following WW2. It closed in 1960 and the land was used for housing.


St Leonards Golf Club, Hastings, Sussex. The clubhouse.

The St Leonards-on-Sea clubhouse. 


Report from the Tatler Wednesday 12 September 1902 -"Arrangements have been made for the formation of a new golf course at St Leonards for the St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club. James Braid and Douglas Rolland have reported that the ground selected will make an excellent course with very little labour. The hazards are natural, there will be no crossing, and the length will be upwards of 6,000 yards. The links will be ready for play by autumn. The clubhouse will be built within a few yards of both the South-Eastern (West St Leonards) and the London, Brighton, and South Coast (West Marina) stations, and within easy distance of the best hotels in St Leonards". 

Arthur Mitchell the St Leonards and East Sussex professional was cousin of Abe Mitchell.

Lord Brassey was elected President, and Mr Freeman Thompson, M.P., captain.

From the Hastings & St Leonards Observer Saturday 8 November 1902 - "The St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club is now quite an accomplished fact. For some months past the work of getting the greens in order and building the pretty clubhouse has been in progress, and being completed, the officers and committee were elected on Thursday. The nine-hole course is now open and as soon as possible the full 18-hole round will be completed."

The full 18-hole course was available for play in April 1903.

Leading scores in the Challenge Cup Competition played at the spring meeting in April 1904; S J Poulton, 85-13-72; H Stephenson, 87-13-74; F G Chichester, 99-24-75; E W Rodham, 99-24-75; W M Rhodes, 81-5-76; W A Laskie, 87-11-76; W F Harriss, 89-13-76; W G Carpenter, 92-16-76; E J Chippendale, 77 scratch; G Ballingall, 86-8-78.

From the 1905 Nisbet's Golf Yearbook; St. Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club; Instituted 1902; Membership 210; Secretary - A R N Cowper-Coles, Est Sussex Golf Club, St Leonards; Captain, E J Chippendale; Entrance fee £3/3s; ladies, £1/1s; 18-holes; Professional, A Mitchell; Course records- professional, 67; amateur, 74; Terms for visitors, 2s a day, 7s/6d a week, 20s a month; A course with natural hazards. It is conveniently placed quite close to both railway stations. Sunday play is allowed.


St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club, Filsham Valley. Pictures of the ladies' section in 1905.


St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club, Filsham Valley. Pictures of the ladies' section in 1905.


St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club, Filsham Valley. Pictures of the ladies' section in 1905.

King and his Navy and Army Saturday 4 November 1905. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Above pictures above show; Top left; Miss Alexander, the captain; Middle; Miss Rodham 14th tee; Top right; Miss Sachell, hon. secretary; Middle left; Mrs Stewart, driving; Middle right; Miss Alexander, driving; Bottom left; Miss Sachell, driving; Bottom right; Some of the members who took part in the recent autumn meeting.

Result of the December 1905 monthly medal; A B Reckitt, 91-10-81; H G Henderson, 95-13-82; R W Mitchell, 95-13-82; H A H Ramsay, 92-9-83; F Freeman Thomas, M.P., 93-10-83; B Salmon, 97-11-86. 

Results from the spring meeting in May 1906.


St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club, Hastings. Competition results from the spring meeting in May 1906.



Result of the 1909 December medal; E Glenshaw (visitor), 92-12-80; C H Byrde, 91-7-84; A S J Furnival, 101-16-85; E S Davison (visitor), 103-16-87; E S J Stonor, 97-9-88; H M Trower, 97-6-91.

Result of the monthly medal played at the St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club on 22 January 1910; F V Pike, 106-16-90; G W Greene, 103-12-91; J R Richards, 105-14-91.

The seventh annual meeting of the St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club took place at the clubhouse on Saturday 5 March 1910. Major C Vipon, D.S.O., presided, others present included; W Carless, J.P., Captain A H A Colville, J.P., Dr S C Mennser, Dr G A Ballingall, W A Laskie, G W Ramsay, A H Lucy, A P MacEwen, F W Coles, M M Makalus, Gilbert Henderson, T L Ashby, F R Chapman, M S Hill, E D Compton, H D Fletcher and S T Hambly. The report stated “The green fees taken during the past year, which amount to £343/2s/6d were slightly less than in 1908, this was mostly put down to the bad weather, despite this the figures were thought to be quite satisfactory. Mr Laskie was the retiring captain, the members of the committee who retire by rotation are E J Chippendale, F W Coles and Dr G A Ballingall. The committee recommended that Mr William Carless should be captain for the ensuing year” Mr William Carless had been prominent in the formation of the club. The forecast and estimates he had made from the clubs beginning had been more than fulfilled. They had spent a considerable amount on the clubhouse and the course, they also had a “sinking fund policy” to protect debenture holders. Retiring members of the committee were re-elected as were A H Lucy, treasurer, A R N Cowper-Coles, secretary, T L Ashby, auditor. The chairman invited subscriptions to the Caddies’ Fund, which had been started with a very generous donation from a member of the committee. It was very satisfactory that boys who came there for their pleasure should get a decent meal and a pair of boots. These privileges were only extended to registered caddies, which he thought was wise. It would be undesirable that the caddies should stay their all their lives, and a donation from the fund helped them make a start when they leave.

Result of the monthly bogey played on Saturday 20 January 1912; H Nickalls (14), 2down; A D Bailey, (5), 4down; Rev J M Paterson (11), 4down. Result of the monthly medal played on Saturday 27th; H Nickalls, 98-16-82; A B Reckitts, 92-7-85. 

Result of the February 1912 ladies’ monthly medal; first division – Mrs Court, 113-19-94; second division – Miss F Laskie, 114-22-92; Mrs Rickards, 121-26-95; Miss Chaplin, 137-35-102; Miss Mimpriss, 142-35-107. 

The ninth annual meeting was held for the St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Company at the Clubhouse, Filsham Road, on Saturday 16 March 1912. Mr William Carless JP, presided. Others present included; E D Compton (secretary pro tem with Mr Carless), Dr G A Ballingall, Dr E M Barker, Councillor Dr A W Brodribb, Dr Farrant Fry, Colonel W W Ward, the Revs. F S Dennett, W A Firth, H B Gray, J M Paterson and W E Shaw, Captain Rickards, A D Snow JP, W A Laskie, F W Coles, A H Lucy (treasurer), H G L Allford, J Hamilton, S Overton, H Gilbert Henderson, A R Inskipp, A V Holland, F B Roberts, C H Byrde, St J Stonor, E W Rodham, H Nickalls, H Savery, J A Armitage, F W Jones and S T Hambly (assistant secretary).

The report showed that income from green fees, but for the late wet weather, would have exceeded £400. Mr Carless said that they were missing the company of their late hon. sec Mr A R N Cowper-Cowles. The new secretary was to be Colonel Ward. Mr Arthur B Reckitt was elected captain for the year.

A discussion took place to improve the links with the assistance of the distinguished member, Dr Mackenzie. He submitted a report with recommendations as to alterations and improvements to various holes. It would be a costly operation and the committee were to decide upon the most important points of the report. They had already received a promise of £50 from Mr Reckitt towards the cost.

Dr Farrant Fry proposed the re-election of the present retiring members; Alderman R W Mitchell JP, E D Compton and Dr Barker. Other committee members; S Overton, Rev W E Shaw, Rev J M Paterson, A H Lucy (re-elected treasurer), T L Ashby (auditor) 

Result of a medal competition held on Whit Monday in May 1912; G W Greene, 79-8-71; J W Garnier, 84-10-74; J J W Nason, 78-2-76; Rev G E King, 81-5-76; A D Bailey, 81-4-77; C A Armitage (visitor), 81-3-78; H T Weston (vis), 94-16-78; E D Compton, 80 scratch; E Stonor, 91-11-80; E W Rodham, 89-7-82.  

Result of the monthly bogey competition played on Saturday 17 August 1912; C L Reade (2), 3up; A D Bailey (2), all square; Colonel W W Ward, (9), 1down; A B Reckitt (5) 2down; A St J Furnival (8), 2down; J Farrant Fry (11), 2down; W R Stratton, visitor (3), 3down; A Cowper-Cowles (4), 3down; G W Greene (5), 3down.

Result of the October 1912 monthly medal; J W Nason, 77 scratch; H Nickalls, 89-12-77; Rev J M Paterson, 86-7-79; Rev G E King, 86-4-82; S C Menneer, 94-12-82.

Below is the result of a ladies’ match played on 25 October 1912 against Willingdon at Bopeep. 

St Leonards Ladies' Club   Willingdon Ladies' Club  
Miss Vores 0 Miss Marshall 1
Mrs Beeching 1 Mrs Lathbury 0
Mrs Maisey 1 Miss O Colgate 0
Mrs Morland 0 Miss Hatton 1
Mrs Barker 1 Miss Werthead 0
Mrs Ballingall 1 Miss Saunders 0
Miss Hichens 1 Miss Howard 0
  5   2

Result of the monthly medal played on Saturday 23 November 1912; G A Ballingall, 83-6-77; E D Compton, 79 scratch; A W Brodribb, 87-6-81; C H Byrde, 91-8-83; Col W W Ward, 97-14-83; A R Inskipp, 88-4-84; H Stephenson, 96-11-85; Rev G E King, 91-4-87.

Result of the monthly bogey played on Saturday 21 December 1912; H S Paterson (5), 1down; A D Bailey (2), 5down; J W Garnier (5), 5down; J R Richards (11), 7down; A K Trower (3), 8down; J W W Nason (0), 12 down. 

In 1914 the secretary was S Overton at the East Sussex Golf Club, St Leonards and the professional A Mitchell (1903 to 1920). The18 hole course had natural hazards and it was conveniently placed  close to both railway stations at West Marina and St Leonards both 5 minutes away.  There was a membership of about 280. The entry fee for gents was £3/3/0 and ladies £1/11/6. Subs for gents £2/2/0 and ladies £1/1/0. Visitors’ fees were 2/6 a day, 6/- for three days, 10/- a week and 25/- a month. Ladies 2/-, 5/-, 7/6, 15/- respectively. Sunday play was allowed with caddies.

In 1923 the secretary was G A King. The professional was Alexander Bishop and the green-keeper W Wilson. There was a membership of 400. Professional course record was 77. Visitors’ fees were 2/6 a day, 15/- a week, 50/- three months, £3/3/0 six months. Sunday play was allowed.

The Captain's Prize, played in May 1923, was won by Dr. Barrows, 91-18-73.

Below is an extract from an interesting report that appeared in the Hastings & St Leonards Observer in December 1925; headline – St Leonards Golf Club Ltd – Scheme To Proceed:-

“The annual meeting of the St Leonards Golf Club was held at the clubhouse on Saturday 12 December, Dr Arthur Brodribb presided. There was a very large attendance. The Chairman, moving that the resolution made at the extraordinary general meeting be confirmed and that the affairs of the old club be wound up, said that the full £2,000 had not yet been subscribed. They had received £1,945, and he was sure they would agree that they could not let the scheme fall through for the small sum of money needed. As it was the winding up of the old club he would like to say a few words about it because it was very interesting to those who had watched its fortunes from the beginning. He believed there were only about half a dozen people in the room who were present at the meeting in 1918, when the old St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club went into liquidation. At that meeting a despondent committee was formed to see if anything could be done to save the club, and they were permitted to carry on with nine-holes for a few months. So successful was their venture that at the end of the first year they had quite a nice sum of money in hand. All that time they were waiting for “something to turn up” but although they approached many gentlemen to buy the assets from the liquidators they could not get anyone to consent. The night before the sale, however, they found the one man who had faith, and at ten o’ clock that night the sale was stopped, and Mr E T Heron J.P., carried on. That was the beginning of the club that they were winding up that day. He wished to take that opportunity of referring to their secretary, whose departure to New Zealand they all deeply regretted. Speaking on behalf of the Club and Committee, he was sure they owed a great debt to Mr G Alastair King, for his duties had been very arduous, especially recently.

The motion was seconded, and carried unanimously.

The meeting then proceeded with the election of a Chairman, Captain and twelve members of the committee to carry on the business of the club. It was proposed and passed that the committee elect their own chairman.

The chairman proposed that Mr A Kelt be captain. The following were elected to the committee; F D Rowlstone, A Kelt, E T Heron, E G Maltby, W H D Murray, F S Gordon, A Wright, A W K Brackett, C M Mayer, Col. F B A Lawrie, Capt. R B Marwood, Mrs Stanning, Mrs W H D Murray, Miss Collins (Ladies’ Secretary).

Mr E T Heron said he thought it was an opportune time to mention something of the history of the club since 1919, the point at which Dr Brodribb concluded his retrospection. In 1920 he was persuaded to dip a little further into his pocket to purchase sufficient ground to make eighteen-holes, and in 1921 more ground was purchased from Dr Haviland to further improve the course, and later in the year they were looking in all directions for suitable land for the further nine-holes. After obtaining the opinion of experts they entered into agreement to rent and then purchase certain ground, which was done in 1924. All that had cost a lot of money and they had made mistakes, but, after all the difficulties and changes that had taken place, they now had a course that was worthy of the town, and if the new company could only get increased membership it would be wonderfully successful. He did hope they would go forward with renewed enthusiasm, and that the members themselves would help the committee. He wanted personally to thank Dr Brodribb for the valuable assistance he had given during the past six years, also Mr King and the other members of the committee.

The Chairman said it had been a great pleasure to see the club growing as it had and although after six years he felt he wanted a rest his interest in the club had not ceased in the least, and he would be glad to serve the club in any way.” 

Result of a match played against Rother Golf Club, Rye, (now defunct) in June 1924.

St Leonards Golf Club   Rother Golf Club  
L E West (2) (4 and 2) 1 Mr Atkinson (12) 0
E G Maltby (4) (4 and 3) 1 Mr McAlpine (12) 0
C A Heron (6) (halved) 0 Mr March (16) (halved) 0
Dr. A W Brodribb (10) 0 H Wallis (16) (1up) 1
F J Parsons (11) (halved) 0 Mr Gasson (halved) 0
E M Heron (14) 0 Mr Hyde (14) (3 and 2) 1
G L Gillett (16) 0 D Jones (18) (6 and 4) 

 In 1926 the secretary was still G A King. The professional was M Seymour and the greenkeeper W Butcher. Course records were, amateur L E West 71 and professional F Robson 69. Visitors’ fees were2/6 a round, 4/- a day, 15/- a week and 35/- a month. Local hotel was the Alexandra. Also mentioned at this time was West St Leonards Golf Club, which was probably an Artisan club.

Ordnance Survey Map from the 1920s showing the golf course and clubhouse. 


St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club, Hastings. O.S. Map from the 1920s showing the course and clubhouse.


St Leonards and East Sussex Golf Club, Hastings. O.S. Map from the 1920s showing the course and clubhouse.

O.S. Map Revised 1927; © Crown Copyright {year of publication 1930}.


Following are results from the Autumn Meeting played in September 1929;-

Darrell Brown Cup played on Thursday 12; J S Hewat, 3up; A G Matthews, 2up; R L Mansell, all square; L C Philpot, 1down; Lt R Noel-Clarke, 1down; Capt J N C Taylor, 1down; F Judge, 2down; Dr E C Hobbs, 2down; S F Rumball, 2down; A Gouk, 3down; K Drybrough-Smith, 3down; A J S Grant, 4down; C Gould, 5down; H Hewat, 5down; D Fraser, 5down; C L Danks, 6down; A N Gray, 7down; W Browne, 8down.

Cowper Coles Cup; R L Mansell, 73-2-71; Col S Needham-Smith, 85-14-71; L C Philpot, 88-17-71; F Judge, 83-11-72; A N Gray, 85-13-72; K Drybrough-Smith, 77-5-72; J S Hewat, 84-11-73; A G Matthews, 91-16-75; D Frazer, 85-9-76; H Hewat, 84-8-76; C B Sharpe, 86-8-78; S F Rumball, 99-17-82; H S Cartwright, 110-24-86.   

In 1930 the secretary was E A Bellow at St Leonards Golf Club, Filsham Road the professional was Mark Seymour and the green-keeper W Butcher. Membership at this time was 400. Course records were, amateur L E West 71, professional M Seymour 64.

In April 1930 Mark Seymour, St Leonards professional, won the prestigious Roehampton Tournament.

Result of the monthly medal played on Saturday 14 March 1931; senior (first) division – F Judge, 88-12-76; A G Bishop, 92-9-83; junior (second) division – H S Partington, 98-24-74; Captain V N Moss, 94-19-75; R T Elders, 99-24-75; W A Body, 106-24-82; A Gouk, 100-16-84.

The autumn meeting was held in September 1931. Below are the results for the “Freeman Thomas Cup” and the “Darrell Brown Cup” both competitions were played on Wednesday the ninth.

Freeman Thomas Cup (stroke play):

C B Sharpe 76 7 69 F Judge 84 8 76
A G Matthews 83 13 70 T Davenport 90 14 76
W A Parsons 83 12 71 F Harrison 92 16 76
A C W Bradley 87 16 71 L E West 78 1 77
Lieut-Colonel Stewart 89 18 71 D Frazer 87 10 77
R L Mansell 72 scr 72 A N Gray 91 14 77
A G Bishop 82 9 73 L F Fowke 93 16 77
C A Heron 81 7 74 J F Hawkins 84 6 78
H S Partington 89 15 74 R D Buckley 95 16 79
G F Lewis 90 16 74 H P White 96 16 80
J S Oswald 86 11 75 N Norton-Lloyd 96 16 80
Dr A W Brodribb 88 13 75 H S Cartwright 98 18 80
C W B Colling 89 13 76 M Davie 94 13 81

Darrell Brown Cup (bogey):

L F Fowke, 5up; W G Gouk, 1up; D H Frazer, all square; R L Mansell, 1down; Commander H Stanistreet, 2down; F Harrison, 2down; C A Heron, 2down; T W Davenport, 2down; A Roberts, 3down; J S Oswald, 3down; F Judge, 4down; D K Bourne, 4down; C B Sharpe, 4down; A N Gray, 5down; A G Matthews, 6down; R D Buckley, 6down; Colonel Stewart, 6down.

Entry from the 1933 Golfer's Handbook; Membership 400; secretary, E A Bellow; professional, A Niner; green-keeper, W Butcher; course records - amateur, L E West, 70; professional - Abe Mitchell and Mark Seymour, 64; visitors- 2s/6d a round; weekends and bank holidays, 3s/6d a round; 5s a day; £1 a week; 35s a fortnight; 50s a month. 

Below is the result of a match played at Camber Castle Golf Club (now defunct) in April 1934.

Camber Castle Golf Club   St Leonards Golf Club  
J S Moore 0 K G Plummer 1
M Chrisford 0 K Dryborough-Smith 1
T Crump 0 B C M Reed 1
Major Burke 0 Dr. Chisholm 1
J Cooke 1 Dr. A H Grace 0
A Piper (half) 0 F Judge (half) 0
C J Bannister 1 W H Delme-Murray 0
S Evans 1 J Capern 0
  3   4

Below is the result of a ladies' match played at St Leonards against Rye Golf Club in April 1934.

St Leonards Ladies' Golf Club   Rye Ladies' Golf Club  
Miss Bradley 1 Miss Hamilton-White 0
Mrs Bellow 0 Miss Tate 1
Mrs Lester (half) 0 Mrs Hartley (half) 0
Mrs Ward 0 Miss Armitage 1
Mrs Bradley (half) 0 Miss Meek (half) 0
Mrs McCubbing 1 Mrs Donovan 0
Mrs C L Taylor 0 Lady Gaskell 1
  2   3

Below is the result of a ladies' match played at Bexhill-on-Sea (now defunct) in April 1934.

Bexhill Ladies' Golf Club   St Leonards Ladies' Golf Club  
Miss Clover 1 Mrs Ward 0
Miss Greer 1 Mrs Bishop 0
Mrs Crosse 1 Mrs Ponder 0
Miss Braddock 1 Mrs C L Taylor 0
Miss Wakefield 0 Mrs Ellen 1
Miss Bole 1 Miss Mackinnon 0
Mrs Vaughan 1 Mrs A G Matthews 0
  6   1


St Leonards Golf Club, Hastings, Sussex. Article from The Bystander September 1934.

From The Bystander 11 September 1934. Image © Illustrated London News Group. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Personalities on the above picture at Captain’s Prize Day from top left; (1) E T Heron J.P. (president), C L Danks (chairman of committee); (2) A G Hide, F D Rowestone (captain-elect); (3) A Kelt (captain), Lt. Col. Needam Smith (hon. secretary); (4) D K Bourne (committee), A G Bishop (recent winner of Hospital Cup); (5) R C Bramley, Capt. R B Marwood, R.N; (6) C B Sharpe (tied for first prize), Capt. J N Taylor; (7) George Western (not wearing his old school tie), Frederic Gregory; (8) F Judge (ex-captain), R Murray; (9) W T Hunt (tied for first prize), A M Davies.

In 1935 the secretary was Lt Col S Needham Smith MC the professional was A Niner. Amateur course record held by  W T Hunt with a score of 69.

The first annual meeting of the St Leonards Artisan Golf Club was held at the clubhouse on Wednesday 9 January 1935, Mr A Kelt was in the chair. He was supported by Mr C Blackburn, captain; Mr A C Martin, secretary and treasurer and Lieutenant Colonel S Needham Smith, secretary of St Leonards Golf Club. Mr Martin complimented the members on their enthusiasm in giving the club a good start for the first year. A balance in hand of £5/6s/6d was reported. A Challenge Cup was presented to the club by Mr F D Rowlstone, captain of St Leonards Golf Club. The following officers were elected; Mr E T Heron, president; A C Martin, secretary and treasurer; W Butchers, captain; R H Croucher, vice-captain; committee – C Blackburn, S Morris, A Pont; E J Fairley.  

Result of the St Leonards Artisans Captain’s Prize played in February 1935; A Lynn, 96-24-72; C Blackburn, 74-2-72; E Fairley, 91-18-73; R Croucher, 87-13-74; A Upton, 95-20-75; A Martin, 98-20-78; S Morris, 102-24-78; W Upton, 93-14-79.


St Leonards Golf Club, Hastings. From The Tatler June 1938.


St Leonards Golf Club, Hastings. From The Tatler June 1938.

From The Tatler June 1938. Image © Illustrated London News Group. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Personalities and text on above picture from top left – G H Martin (Committee); 14th Hole; W T Hunt (joint holder of the amateur record of 69); Major E W T Rowe (secretary.)

Middle – S M Spence (committee); Rosser Mansell; Brian Reed; E T Heron J.P. (president); R C Bramley (an old member and ex-captain); Fred Judge (a past captain.)

Bottom – A Niner (professional for 10 years); G F J Wadman (committee); 14th Hole; Dr I M Chisholm (captain); C E Lester. There is no mention of the name of the person leaning on the bottom picture.  


St Leonards Golf Course, Filsham Valley. Course scorecard.


St Leonards Golf Course, Filsham Valley. Course scorecard.


In the late 1930s the secretary was Major E W T Rowe. The professional was A Niner and the greenkeeper was  still W Butcher. Membership at this time was 400.

Result of the monthly medal played on Saturday 8 January 1938; First (Senior) Division – C A Heron, 81-8-73; Dr E C Hobbs, 87-12-75; A G Bishop, 86-9-77; Dr C M Carr, 82-4-78; Second (Junior) Division – Dr V St C Cunningham, 92-16-76. 

The annual meeting of the St Leonards Artisans’ was held on Wednesday 19 January 1938, E T Rowe (secretary of St Leonards Club) presided. The accounts showed a balance in hand of £1/17s/4d. The secretary’s report, read by Mr R Croucher, complimented the members on the fine golf that had been played during the year and referred to the fine performance of C Blackburn in securing the Artisans’ Tournament. F Mapleasden finished runner-up in the Sussex Artisan Championship. Dr Chisolm (captain of St Leonards Golf Club) also complimented the club on its successful year.

Competition winners were as follows; F Mapleasden (President’s Prize); J Upton, A Pont  and B Lynn (Bramley Cup); C Blackburn, F Niner, R Croucher (Captain’s Prize, “News of the World” gold medal, and club prize for the best six cards in competition during 1937); C Blackburn beat R Dunn by 2up in the 36 hole Rowistone Cup competition. The following officers were elected, Mr E T Heron J.P, President; R Croucher, secretary and treasurer; B Lynn, captain. The vice-presidents were all re-elected.

In May 1938 Pat Niner, who had been assistant professional for about three years, left the club to take up an appointment at the Royal Stockholm Golf Club. He would be there for about six months.

The Spring Meeting was held at the St Leonards club in May 1938.

The Brassey Cup was played for on Thursday the fifth, result as follows; R G Higgs, 78-13-65; C E Lester, 82-13-69; Dr V St. G Vaughan, 86-16-70; Dr C M Carr, 76-4-72; D J Laird, 89-16-73; K Drybrough-Smith, 79-5-74; A N Gray, 89-15-74; A Kelt, 82-6-76; F L Caseley, 79-3-76; C J Banister, 97-20-77; Major E W T Rowe, 92-14-78; Dr I M Chisholm, 84-6-78; R L Mansell, 81-2-79; P J Morren, 97-18-79; F Judge, 93-14-79; G H Martin, 85-5-80; Lt.-Col S Needham-Smith, 97-17-80; Dr J B Bell, 86-5-81; Dr A H Grace, 89-8-81; J S Whittard, 94-12-82; A G Bishop, 93-11-82.

The Du Cross Cup played on Friday, leading scores; Dr T G Ward (4), 1down; Dr E C Hobbs (12), 2down; R G Higgs (9), 2down; Dr I M Chisholm (6), 2down; D W Young (14), 3down; F L Caseley (3), 3down; H R Harvey (13), 3 down; Dr C M Carr (4), 3down.

The Lord Warden Cup played on Saturday; R L Mansell, 69-2-67; Dr I M Chisolm, 74-6-68; Dr C M Carr, 75-4-71; G H Martin, 77-5-72; B C M Reed, 76-4-72; Dr V St. G Vaughan, 88-16-72; R G Higgs, 88-9-74; H E Gray, 92-18-74; J S Whittard, 86-12-74.

Below is the result of the Lord Riddell Cup played at Hastings Downs on Sunday 8 May 1938. This was an inter-club match played between Hastings Downs Golf Club and the St Leonards Golf Club.     

Hastings Downs   St Leonards  
W H Mee 0 R L Mansell (2&1) 1
A Winter 0 W T Hunt (6&5) 1
J C Hubble 0 F L Caseley (4&3) 1
J Savage 0 Dr T G Ward (4&3) 1
F J Wootton (1up) 1 B C M Reed 0
T Leonard (4&3) 1 F R Mansell 0
B Tindall 0 Dr J B Bell (3&2) 1
C H Swatland 0 G H Martin (4&3) 1
E S Bradnam 0 Dr I M Chisolm (4&3) 1
G West (1up) 1 A Kelt 0
D H Mastin 0 H L Waddingham (2&1) 1
W J Bennett 1 J F Robson 0
  4   8

In 1939 and 1940 the SSS was 71 and the course record holders were, amateur Dr Dryborough Smith 68 the professional record was held jointly by Abe Mitchell and Mark Seymour 64. Visitors fees were 2/6 a round, weekend and Bank Holidays 4/- to 5/- a day according to season, 15/- a week, £1/5/0 a fortnight, 35/- a month and £2/10/0 for 3 months. Special terms were offered to officers in Royal Navy and Regular Army on the active list and all Government Servants who were on leave from abroad. Buses passed within 20 yards of the licensed clubhouse.

From 1947 to 1952 the only information given was St Leonards Golf Club. Filsham Rd.

Result of the Hospital Cup competition played on Sunday 21st August 1949; E W Venn, 77-9-68; J A Boyer, 81-12-69; A H Burnell, 81-11-70; E A Patterson, 81-10-71; A A Ashdown, 79-7-72; C Horsfall, 83-11-72; F Niner, 82-10-72. There were 33 competitors.

The fourth round of the “Observer Cup” was played on the St Leonards course in August 1949 between G R Guess (11) and Dr I Drybrough-Smith (scratch) of the St Leonards club versus the holders S G Bradbury (10) and C Mitchell (7) from Hastings Downs. It was won by the St Leonards pair by 1up. There was a large crowd to witness the culmination of the exciting match which finished on the final hole, the winners chipping in on the par three eighteenth for a two. A Niner, the St Leonards professional, said that in his opinion he had not witnessed a finer game on the course.  

Following are results from the autumn meeting played in October 1949:-

Cowper Coles Cup –  D A T Standring, 81-11-70; L Byford, 78-7-71; Dr I Chisholm, 77-4-73; L Ashdown, 78-5-73; E W Venn, 80-7-73; Dr Drybrough-Smith, 73 scratch; R Myer, 77-3-74.

reeman-Thomas Cup – W Penry-Davey, 81-16-65; N Tootle, 83-15-68; G R Guess, 79-11-68; G H D Hagger, 87-18-69; E W Venn, 77-7-70; R Hudson, 88-17-71; A Ashdown, 78-7-71; L Ashdown, 77-5-72; R Mansfield, 82-10-72.

The Darrell Brown Cup – Dr Drybrough-Smith (scratch), 36 points, won play off; R Smallwood (14), 36; Ross Young (18), 35; R Mansfield (10), 34; F Niner (10), 34; G R Guess (9), 34.

Mitchell Cup – N Tootle, 81-13-68; Ross Young, 85-16-69; R Myer, 73-3-70; L Lowrey, 79-9-70; N Frere, 82-10-72; R K Smallwood, 85-12-73; W G M Price, 80-7-73; Dr Drybrough-Smith, 74 scratch.

The scratch aggregate tankard was won by Dr Drybrough-Smith with scores of 73,74 and 75.

The competitions attracted 108 competitors.

The images below are from Browning’s Golf in Sussex 1950s. Images are from the Christoph Meister Archive.


St Leonards Golf Club, Hastings, Sussex. Article from Browning's Golf in Surrey 1950s.


St Leonards Golf Club, Hastings, Sussex. Article from Browning's Golf in Surrey 1950s.


Report on the progress of the club in October 1958.


St Leonards Golf Club, Hastings. Report on the progress of the club in October 1958.


St Leonards Golf Club, Hastings. Report on the progress of the club in October 1958.

Hastings and St Leonards Observer Saturday 4 October 1958. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Result of a match played in August 1961 at Nevill Golf Club.

Nevill Golf Club   St Leonards Golf Club  
P D Leonard and C P Harris (6 and 4) 1 S W D'Eath and T H Gibb 0
C E Mankeville and D B Moloney 0 D Pheaker and R Knowles (1 up) 1
G Coker and R N Marshall 0 A Ashdown and G Richardson (3 and 2) 1
F Whyman and A Connell (2 up) 1 R Edge and J Robertson 0
F E Edmonton and J H Summers 0 S Guest and F Francis (3 and 1) 1
C H Trelogan and P S Kay 0 A Brown and R Hart (5 and 3) 1
A D Crane and R Weeks (4 and 2) 1 J McDonald and J Griffiths 0
  3   4

From 1953 to the clubs last year in 1961 it was listed as St Leonards-on-Sea Golf Club the secretary was H O Moore, 47A Kings Rd, St Leonards on Sea. The professional was A Niner and the green-keeper W Butcher. The 18 hole course had a SSS of 67. The membership in 1953 to 57 was 200 and 240 from 1958 to 60. Course records were, amateur Dr J Dryborough Smith 65 and professional A Niner 63. Visitors’ fees were 3/6 a day, 5/6 a day at weekends. Local hotels were Beason House and Beechwood.


St Leonards Golf Club, Hastings, Sussex. Location of the former golf course.

Course location. Grid reference TQ77990,10110, co-ordinates 577990,110110.